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Cubicle Curtain Track Systems
Common Areas System
Patient Bed System
Door Surround System
Cubicle Track Systems
Swing Arm System
Gate System
Trolley System
Patient-Lift Cubicle Curtain Conflict Systems
Cubicle Curtain Systems
Door Surround Systems
The Door Surround Systems are a unique, high quality and cost effective alternative to traditional raised panel tracks. The Door Surround reduces installation costs while improving flexibility and durability. This product offers privacy similar to conventional ceiling mounted tracks, with additional benefits such as allowing the tracks to be installed without concern for ceiling lights, fire sprinklers and A/C vents.
Patient Bed Systems
The Patient Bed System can be placed around a bed or beds using a U-shaped or L-shaped design.These curtains serve as a barrier between patients, providing them with privacy, dignity, and security while they are undergoing medical procedures. They are also used to divide hospital rooms into separate sections, creating a more efficient and organized environment. Because the tracks are not ceiling mounted, the tracks and curtains can be placed to offer greatest privacy and function.
Common Area Systems
PRVC track system can be used in areas such as Phlebotomy, Pre-Op, Post-Op, Emergency. The PRVC Common Area Systems are hospital curtains that can be used in common areas of the hospital to separate patients and give them privacy. The track allows for quick setup, removal, and reconfiguration of the curtains as needed. The durable fabric is a good match for any hospital environment where cleaning may be needed frequently. PRVC disposable curtains is a great option for facilities with high patient turnover.
Patient-Lift Cubicle Curtain Conflict Systems
Trolley System
The Trolley System allows patient lift systems to enter the patient area unencumbered by privacy tracks. This system is used primarily when XYZ lift systems are used in a facility. The Trolley System moves from its position clearing the way for the lift to enter the area. This system gives 100% privacy for the patient and allows the lift to travel freely to any area of the room.
Gate System
The Gate system allows a lift to travel from outside the bed area to inside the area covered by privacy tracks and curtains. This is accomplished by using a hinged gate on the privacy track that opens, allowing the lift to move in and out of the bed area freely. Both the patient being moved and any other patients in the room maintain complete privacy.
In addition to their privacy and protection benefits, the gate systems hospital curtains can also be used to control the spread of infectious diseases and to separate different areas within a healthcare facility, such as examination rooms and recovery rooms. The curtains can be easily cleaned and disinfected, making them an ideal solution for environments that require strict hygiene controls.
Swing Arm Curtain System
PRVC Swing Arm curtain system is the next generation in patient room privacy technology. The PRVC system solves the issues around doors, multi bed patient rooms and common areas when patient lifts are being utilized.
The PRVC Swing Arms replaces the old inefficient ceiling mounted cubicle track system. The swing arm does not need any additional wall space and can be adjusted to meet any door opening requirement even if it changes over time.

PRVC Systems is a trusted manufacturer and distributor of hospital curtains throughout the United States.
Cubicle curtains are manufactured in the United States. Patented wall mounted hospital curtain track systems that make it safe and easy for both maintenance staff and clinicians to use.
We are innovative in our approach to hospital privacy curtain design and manufacturing, producing medical curtains for all clinical applications.
Our medical cubicle curtain systems are an efficient, cost-effective, and practical solution for healthcare facilities looking to create private and functional spaces for their patients.

The all-new PRVC Systems® cubicle and hospital shower curtain system is designed for easier and faster change outs. The curtain will not bind on the track over time and you will find that these curtains are quieter than the traditional grommeted curtains found on the market.