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Intellectual Property
Last Updated: 1/20
Crompton Ventures innovation is embodied in its Intellectual Property, including Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights. To learn more about Crompton Ventures Intellectual Property policies, please see below.
Guidelines for Using Trademarks and Copyrights
These guidelines are for Crompton Venture’s licensees, authorized resellers, customers, and other parties wishing to use Crompton Venture’s trademarks, service marks or images in promotional, advertising, instructional, or reference materials, or on their web sites, products, labels, or packaging.
If you are a licensee of a Crompton Venture’s trademarks or logos, please follow those guidelines. If you are a Crompton Venture’s Authorized Reseller or member of a Crompton Venture’s program, you may be subject to additional restrictions.
Crompton Venture’s trademarks, service marks, trade names, and trade dress are valuable assets. In following these guidelines, you help us protect our valuable trademark rights and strengthen our corporate and brand identities. By using an Crompton Venture’s trademarks, in whole or in part, you are acknowledging that Crompton Ventures is the sole owner of the trademark and promising that you will not interfere with Crompton Ventures rights in the trademark, including challenging Crompton Ventures use, registration of, or application to register such trademark, alone or in combination with other words, anywhere in the world, and that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute any Crompton Ventures trademark. The goodwill derived from using any part of a Crompton Venture’s trademarks exclusively inures to the benefit of and belongs to Crompton Ventures. Except for the limited right to use as expressly permitted under these Guidelines, no other rights of any kind are granted hereunder, by implication or otherwise. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please talk to your Crompton Venture representative.
Authorized Use of Crompton Venture’s Trademarks
Advertising, Promotional, and Sales Materials: Only Crompton Ventures and its authorized resellers and licensees may use the Crompton Venture’s Logos in advertising, promotional, and sales materials. Such authorized parties may use the Crompton Venture’s Logos only as specified in their agreement with Crompton Ventures and any associated Guidelines and such use must always be in conjunction with the appropriate terms that define the relationship authorized by their contract with Crompton Ventures. For example: Authorized Reseller, Authorized Value-Added Reseller, or Authorized Wholesaler
Web Sites: Web sites that are authorized resellers and licensees may use the Crompton Venture’s word marks.
Unauthorized Use of Crompton Venture’s Trademarks
Company, Product, or Service Name: You may not use or register, in whole or in part, Crompton Ventures trademark, including Crompton Ventures-owned graphic symbols, logos, icons, or an alteration thereof, as or as part of a company name, trade name, product name, or service name.
Crompton Ventures and Crompton Ventures-owned Graphic Symbols: You may not use the Crompton Ventures or any other Crompton Ventures-owned graphic symbol, logo, or icon on or in connection with web sites, products, packaging, manuals, promotional/advertising materials, or for any other purpose except pursuant to an express written trademark license from Crompton Ventures, such as a reseller agreement.
Variations, Takeoffs or Abbreviations: You may not use an image of a real Crompton Ventures or other variation of the Crompton Venture’s logos for any purpose. Third parties cannot use a variation, phonetic equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation of a Crompton Venture’s trademarks for any purpose.
Disparaging Manner: You may not use a Crompton Venture’s trademarks or any other Crompton Ventures-owned graphic symbol, logo, or icon in a disparaging manner.
Endorsement or Sponsorship: You may not use Crompton Ventures or Crompton Venture’s trademarks, including Crompton Ventures-owned graphic symbols/logos, or icons, in a manner that would imply Crompton Ventures affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service.
Crompton Venture’s Trade Dress: You may not imitate the distinctive Crompton Venture’s packaging, web site design, logos, or typefaces.
Slogans and Taglines: You may not use or imitate a Crompton Venture’s slogans or taglines.
Domain Names: You may not use an identical or virtually identical Crompton Venture’s trademarks as a second level domain name.
Rules for Proper Use of Crompton Venture’s Trademarks
Trademarks are adjectives used to modify nouns; the noun is the generic name of a product or service.
As adjectives, trademarks may not be used in the plural or possessive form.
An appropriate generic term must appear after the trademark the first time it appears in a printed piece, and as often as is reasonable after that.
Always spell and capitalize Crompton Venture’s trademarks. Do not shorten or abbreviate Crompton Venture’s product names. Do not make up names that contain Crompton Venture’s trademarks.
Proper Trademark Notice and Attribution
Distribution Within the United States Only
On product, product documentation, or other product communications that will be distributed only in the United States, use the appropriate trademark symbol (TM, SM, ®) the first time the Crompton Venture’s trademarks appear in the text of the advertisement, brochure, or other material.
Include an attribution of Crompton Ventures ownership of its trademarks within the credit notice section of your product, product documentation, or other product communication.
Following are the correct formats:
a. PRVC™ systems is a registered trademark of Crompton Ventures, LLC.
b. PRVC™ Systems is a trademark of Crompton Ventures, LLC.
2. Distribution Outside the United States:
Do not use trademark symbols on products, product documentation, or other product communications that will be distributed outside the United States.
Use one of the following international credit notices:
Following are the correct formats:
a. PRVC™ Systems is a trademark of Crompton Ventures, LLC., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
b. PRVC™ Systems is a trademark of Crompton Ventures, LLC.
Depictions of Crompton Venture’s Products
Endorsement or Sponsorship: Crompton Ventures does not support the use of its logos, company names, product names, or images of Crompton Venture’s products by other parties in marketing, promotional or advertising materials as their use may create the perception that Crompton Ventures endorses or sponsors the product, service or promotion.
Crompton Venture’s Trademarks
A trademark can be a word, phrase, symbol, or design that distinguishes the source of the goods or services. Also, as trade dress, it can be the appearance of a product or its packaging, including size, shape, color, texture, graphics, and appearance.
When using the marks in publications that will be distributed only in the United States, include the appropriate ™, ℠, or ® symbol on first use. For publications that will be distributed outside the United States, do not include trademark symbols. Instead use the appropriate trademark attribution notice.
Trademarks are adjectives and should not be made into verbs or made plural or possessive.
PRVC is a trademark of Crompton Ventures, LLC., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Rights and Permissions
If you have any questions concerning the use of Crompton Venture’s trademarks and/or the licensing of Crompton Venture’s copyrighted material (e.g., photographs, video footage, Crompton Venture’s advertisements or other Crompton Venture’s materials).

The all-new PRVC Systems® cubicle and hospital shower curtain system is designed for easier and faster change outs. The curtain will not bind on the track over time and you will find that these curtains are quieter than the traditional grommeted curtains found on the market.